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/Trading Knowledge IV/Trading with Price Ladder and Order Flow Strategies, $700, ( 10 – Market Flipping, Layering and Spoofing Price Patterns/
Module 10 –1 Market Flipping, Layering and Spoofing Price Patterns.avi10.7 M16.08.2017 9:03:55
Module 10 –10 What is Layering.avi39.4 M16.08.2017 9:04:45
Module 10 –11 What is Flipping.avi37.0 M16.08.2017 9:04:49
Module 10 –12 Trading Strategies Around Spoofers and Flippers 1.avi95.1 M16.08.2017 9:05:01
Module 10 –13 Trading Strategies Around Spoofers and Flippers 2.avi11.0 M16.08.2017 9:05:03
Module 10 –14 Trading Strategies Around Spoofers and Flippers 3.avi81.0 M16.08.2017 9:05:12
Module 10 –15 Trading Strategies Around Spoofers and Flippers 4.avi150.4 M16.08.2017 9:05:28
Module 10 –16 Live Drill Practice.avi105.8 M16.08.2017 9:05:39
Module 10 –2 Table of Contents.avi40.4 M16.08.2017 9:03:59
Module 10 –3 Knowledge Matrix.avi28.1 M16.08.2017 9:04:02
Module 10 –4 Module Structure.avi22.2 M16.08.2017 9:04:05
Module 10 –5 What is Spoofing Layering and Flipping.avi85.0 M16.08.2017 9:04:14
Module 10 –6 What is Spoofing Layering and Flipping(cont).avi41.9 M16.08.2017 9:04:19
Module 10 –7 The Illegal Nature of Spoofing.avi30.2 M16.08.2017 9:04:23
Module 10 –8 Its All About Intent.avi53.0 M16.08.2017 9:04:30
Module 10 –9 Dodd-Frank.avi86.3 M16.08.2017 9:04:39
Module 10 Practial Example.mp432.4 M16.08.2017 9:03:52
Module 10 Worksheet.docx22.3 K16.08.2017 9:03:52

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